416 832 4961 161 Bay Street Suite 27


Data and insights are more usable and important than ever. Few business resources can attain as many competitive advantages as data. Data aids the business in obtaining unique insights about your operations. Digitalizing and upgrading your approach to data management should be vital for any organization looking to become a true intelligent enterprise.

SAP Analytics fulfill this by giving you data in its most valuable form. Through predictive analysis, augmented analytics and enterprise planning we create a sole solution to integrate in your environment. These enhancements will further improve the decision making process with more clarity and relevant insights. Reducing uncertainty and raising informativeness, SAP Analytics is the way to go for understanding what is to come for your business.


  • Business Intelligence

Fast and real-time analytics to make quicker and more informed decisions, data is given on a large scope of the whole organization.

  • Centralized Data

Data is managed from a single place and can reach users from every end of operations.

  • Advanced Analytics

AI-aided analytics and automated machine learning algorithms help with overall decision making.

  • Integrated Planning

Have your goals and actions properly align with predictive enterprise planning that integrates with your ERP.

At Twolego we will guide you through the processes of SAP Analytics and provide the insight to why it is one of the tools to leverage your data for better decision making. Get in contact with us today and let’s evolve your business’ processes for the future.