- ERP Solutions
- Business Process Management
- Enterprise Assest Management
- Supply Chain Management
- CRM Management
- Digital Transformation
- Point Of Sale Systems
- Cloud Services
- Financial Solutions
- Business Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Mobility and Security
- Human Resource Management
- SAP Analytics
- SAP Success Factors
- SAP Business One
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While having some overlap with business analytics, business intelligence hones in on what is happening with your business and why. It assesses in-depth analytics to form conclusive evidence about past, current and potential performance to help shift the organization’s KPI’s in the right direction.
With machine learning, business intelligence allows technology to make predictive analyzations and solutions to potential issues or situations that may occur. Taking advantage of data collected is the vital component in making informed decisions when faced with major obstacles.
As businesses grow, having the appropriate intelligence in place will provide real leverage on the data at hand.
The accessibility of these tools allows for some major components to be improved upon, those being dynamic reports in real time, predictive analysis and enhanced performance indicators. Having access to this information readily and being thoroughly assessed allows support from Twolego to implement the needed steps to further your business intelligence strategy. Twolego helps advise on an efficient roadmap, define relevant performance indicators, optimize data and train your IT teams and users to properly use this information.
As stated, business intelligence platforms are heavily integrating machine learning and AI to optimize performance. Here are some of the main software’s integrating machine learning:
- Data Marts
Following data’s being pre-processed it is linked to central repository known as a Data Mart. Used mainly for supporting analytics and reporting tools.
- OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)
Used to extract large data from relational tables and revises it into a multi-dimensional format. This process helps create faster processes and clarity when analyzing data.
- NLP (Natural Language Processing)
An AI that allows computers to understand texts like humans. Allowing question bots and auto-responses to be more thorough and insightful.
- ETL (Extract, Transform & Load)
This business intelligence solution combines data from various sources into a single store. This allows for consistency and avoids data duplication.
- AI-assisted Data Preparation
Finds any issue within the data and discovers ways to adapt and customize it. Process simplifies data with combined sources to end up with what you need to help uncover new insights.